DiscoverOpenGL & Vulkan Podcast
OpenGL & Vulkan Podcast
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OpenGL & Vulkan Podcast

Author: Kai Niklas - deCode

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All Topics related to 3D Programming with OpenGL, OpenGL ES 2.x / 3.x , WebGL and the new Vulkan API will be discussed in this Podscast. Kai Niklas ( ) will explain the concepts of modern 3D Development in small portions. Visit for more Infos.
15 Episodes
Still alive talking about : reflections, picking, pitfalls and drawcalls
Understanding Framebuffer and SSAO.

011 - Lights and Shadows


About Lights and Shadows in 3D Worlds.
Workshop OpenGL for beginners Part 3 about Shaders.
Basic Information about what WebGL is.
Workshop OpenGL for beginners Part 1.
Robert Menzel explains the Render Pipeline.
Introduction to OpenGL Textures..
A closer Look at shaders and how they work.
A quick Introduction to Shaders and GLSL.

005 - VULKAN - Part I.


First preview at the Vulkan API thats coming.
In This Episode we introduce the OpenGL Primitives and how you structure your Arrays to draw from them.
In This Episode I give you a introduction on how to use FreeGLUT and GLEW to create your first Window.
In This Episode I give you a general overview on OpenGL and how it Works.
This is the first Episode of the OpenGL / VULKAN Podcast. Let me introduce myselfe.
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