Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
Every morning, you wake up and face the world. What does it look like to you? Do you see a... more
It happens to the best of us — we blank on someone's name, or forget an important meeting, or bomb... more
Saying no to someone who asks for something is often easier said than done. Maybe it's a boss who wants... more
Many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the... more
Are you someone who strikes up a conversation with the person next to you on the train? Or do you... more
Whether in your personal life or at work, you've probably experienced what it’s like to have people reject your requests.... more
When we meet new people, we’re often drawn to those with a commanding presence or a dazzling personality. But it... more
When we think about misinformation, we often focus on blatant errors or deliberate attempts to deceive us. But in recent... more
We're always told to reach for that next ring, work that third job, go to that boisterous party after a... more
As we move through the world, it's easy to imagine we're processing everything that happens around us and then deciding... more
Cognitive scientist Nafees Hamid studies the minds of people drawn to radical or fringe ideas. This week, he takes us... more
You know that negative voice that goes round and round in your head, keeping you up at night? When that... more
Across every domain of our lives, our minds have a tendency to get accustomed to things. In fact, the brain... more
Some think of religious faith as just that: a leap of faith. But psychologists are increasingly filling in the gaps... more
Have you ever had an unexplainable feeling of emptiness? Life seems perfect - and yet - something is missing. This... more
Thinking is a human superpower. On a daily basis, thinking and planning and effort bring us innumerable benefits. But like... more
The human drive to invent new things has led to pathbreaking achievements in medicine, science and society. But our desire... more
Most of us love to brainstorm with colleagues. But so often, our idea-generating sessions don't lead to anything tangible. Teams... more
Think about the last time you asked someone for something. Maybe you were nervous or worried about what the person... more
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that people wrote you off? Maybe a teacher suggested you... more
Have you ever had an unexplainable feeling of emptiness? Life seems perfect - and yet - something is missing. This week, sociologist... more