Why do I feel stuck? How can I become more creative? What can I do to improve my relationships? If you’ve ever... more
Have you ever been falsely accused of something? Many of us think there’s only one way we’d act in such... more
When should you stay the course in life, and when should you shift with changing tides? This week, we bring... more
Have you ever downplayed some aspect of your identity? Maybe you don’t hide it, but you don’t bring it up... more
What would you have done? It's one of the most enduring questions in psychology. We all like to think that... more
Last week on the show, we looked at the science of conversation, and how even ordinary chats can involve a... more
Just because we’ve been doing something for a long time doesn’t mean we’re doing it right. One part of our... more
Holding a grudge can feel like a form of justice, a way of punishing those who have wronged us. But... more
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It's been 45 years since John Lennon sang... more
It’s no exaggeration to say that the world in 2025 can be ... a lot. Sometimes it may seem that... more
We all have to make certain choices in life, such as where to live and how to earn a living.... more
From time to time, all of us are called upon to do hard or even seemingly impossible things. Do we... more
We’re often drawn to people who appear to be true to themselves. Yet showing our authentic selves to the world... more
It's happened to all of us: We're in the shower, or on a walk, and boom — a big idea... more
Every day, we leave small traces of ourselves online. And we might not realize what these traces say about us.... more
With the holidays fast approaching, many of us are hunting for that special something for the special someones in our... more
What makes ordinary people do evil things? It was a question that long fascinated the psychologist Philip Zimbardo, who died... more
There's a tradition around many Thanksgiving dinner tables that's as consistent as stuffing and pumpkin pie: the family stories that... more
Neuroscientist Doug Fields was on a trip to Europe when a pickpocket stole his wallet. Doug, normally mild-mannered, became enraged... more
Many of us go to great lengths to be happy. But is our singular focus on feeling good actually making... more
Sometimes we feel just one single feeling with overwhelming force. We're joyously happy. We're crushingly sad. But sometimes it's more... more
For centuries, philosophers and theologians have warned about the dangers of hubris. It’s an emotion that can make us arrogant,... more
This week, we kick off our new series, Emotions 2.0, with a special double episode about the emotions we experience... more
We humans are a social species, and so it's not surprising that we care a lot about what other people... more
I. Me. My. You. He. She. They. It. To. Of. For. These are all words we use without a second... more
It can sometimes be exciting when we don't know what's coming next. Other times, the unknown can be deeply troubling.... more
Money worries are one of the biggest sources of anxiety in our lives. Psychologist Brad Klontz says these worries are... more
Every morning, you wake up and face the world. What does it look like to you? Do you see a... more
It happens to the best of us — we blank on someone's name, or forget an important meeting, or bomb... more
Saying no to someone who asks for something is often easier said than done. Maybe it's a boss who wants... more
Many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the... more
Are you someone who strikes up a conversation with the person next to you on the train? Or do you... more
Whether in your personal life or at work, you've probably experienced what it’s like to have people reject your requests.... more
When we meet new people, we’re often drawn to those with a commanding presence or a dazzling personality. But it... more
When we think about misinformation, we often focus on blatant errors or deliberate attempts to deceive us. But in recent... more
We're always told to reach for that next ring, work that third job, go to that boisterous party after a... more
As we move through the world, it's easy to imagine we're processing everything that happens around us and then deciding... more
Cognitive scientist Nafees Hamid studies the minds of people drawn to radical or fringe ideas. This week, he takes us... more
You know that negative voice that goes round and round in your head, keeping you up at night? When that... more
Across every domain of our lives, our minds have a tendency to get accustomed to things. In fact, the brain... more
Some think of religious faith as just that: a leap of faith. But psychologists are increasingly filling in the gaps... more
Have you ever had an unexplainable feeling of emptiness? Life seems perfect - and yet - something is missing. This... more
Thinking is a human superpower. On a daily basis, thinking and planning and effort bring us innumerable benefits. But like... more
The human drive to invent new things has led to pathbreaking achievements in medicine, science and society. But our desire... more
Most of us love to brainstorm with colleagues. But so often, our idea-generating sessions don't lead to anything tangible. Teams... more
Think about the last time you asked someone for something. Maybe you were nervous or worried about what the person... more
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that people wrote you off? Maybe a teacher suggested you... more
Why is it so hard to guess where we're meant to be? To predict where we'll end up? Nearly all... more
If you're a parent or a teacher, you've probably wondered how to balance play and safety for the kids in... more
We've all had those days when all we want is a little treat. Maybe it's a bag of chips, an... more
Anthropologist Tom Pearson was devastated after his daughter Michaela was diagnosed with Down syndrome. When he began to examine that... more
If you've ever taken an economics class, you were probably taught that people are rational. But about 50 years ago,... more
Have you ever sat across from your spouse, colleague or friend and realized that while they may be hearing what... more
Many of us believe we know how we’d choose to die. We have a sense of how we’d respond to... more
A little more than a decade ago, researchers began tracking an alarming trend: a dramatic uptick in anxiety and depression... more
Fear is a normal and healthy response to things that may harm us. But fear can also hold us back... more
Over the past few weeks, we've been exploring the psychology of partisanship, and how to effectively handle disagreements with those... more
We typically divide the country into two distinct groups: Democrats and Republicans. But what if the real political divide in... more
Conflicts are inevitable — both at a global scale and in our personal lives. This week, in the latest in... more
There's a saying that's attributed to the Dalai Lama: in the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.... more
The United States, we’re told, is increasingly a house divided. Conservatives and progressives are so alienated from each other that... more
We rely on our memory to understand the world. But what if our memories aren't true? This week, we talk... more
We spend more and more of our lives staring at screens. Our cellphones, smartwatches and laptops allow us to communicate... more
Most of us feel that our emotions are reactions to those outside of us. Someone cuts us off in traffic,... more
When we're learning, or trying new things, mistakes are inevitable. Some of these mistakes provide us with valuable information, while... more
Humans have wrestled with questions about identity and purpose for millennia. So it’s no surprise that the insights of people... more
When was the last time you set a goal and struggled to reach it? Perhaps you're trying to write a... more
We like to tell kids, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” But from a very early age, we humans... more
Think about the last time you were struck by a gorgeous painting in a museum, or heard a song that... more
Why is it so hard to say 'I'm sorry?' In the final episode of our Healing 2.0 series, we talk... more
In 2019, Justin Harrison's mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But by the time she died, he had figured out... more
You've probably heard that people who lose a loved one may go through what are known as the "five stages"... more
We’ve all heard the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But is there any truth to this idea?... more
We all tell stories about ourselves, often without realizing we’re doing so. How we frame those stories can profoundly shape... more
One of the mysteries of human behavior is that it’s often easier for us to focus on what’s going wrong... more
As we move through our lives, we have to make decisions both big and small. Some are banal: What will... more
We like to think that con artists only prey upon the weak, or gullible. But psychologist Dan Simons says all... more
Perfectionism is everyone’s favorite flaw. It’s easy to assume that our push to be perfect is what leads to academic,... more
It's easy to think that the best teams are collections of highly accomplished or talented individuals, working under a skilled... more
After we make a decision, we often tell ourselves a story about why our choice was the right one to... more
Think about the last time you did something you knew was wrong. How did you explain your actions to yourself?... more
How often do you say something negative to yourself that you'd never utter to someone else? Self-criticism can often feel... more
Sorrows have a way of finding us, no matter how hard we try to avoid them. Joys, on the other... more
It’s understandable that we sometimes dwell on things that upset us. But our negative emotions can keep us from savoring... more
Have you ever set a goal and had a really difficult time sticking to it? Maybe you decide you want... more
There are times in life when the challenges we face feel insurmountable. Authors succumb to writer's block. Athletes and artists... more
Think about how often you hold back honest opinions of someone else because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.... more
No matter who you are, it's guaranteed that at some point in life you'll make a mistake. Many of us... more
This week, we bring you the second part of our conversation on the perils of too much pleasure. Psychiatrist Anna... more
All of us think we know what addiction looks like: it’s the compulsive consumption of drugs, alcohol, or nicotine. But... more
It's not easy to know how we come across to others, especially when we're meeting people for the first time.... more
All of us think we know what addiction looks like: it’s the compulsive consumption of drugs, alcohol, or nicotine. But psychiatrist Anna... more