The show where three cartoonists take an in-depth look at the greatest comic strip of all time-- Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz.
Hey, batta batta! It’s baseball time again, and the gang discusses one of Michael’s favorite Peanuts sequences and Jimmy fails... more
The world famous cartoonist of For Better or For Worse drops by to reminisce about her friendship with Charles Schulz,... more
Judy Sladky, champion ice dancer and the person hand-picked by Charles Schulz to portray Snoopy, skates into the Unpacking Peanuts... more
We welcome the author of the Charles Schulz biography Good Grief, Rheta Grimsley Johnson, to the show. Rheta discusses working... more
In the wrap up of our latest season, the guys talk about the many changes to Schulz’s work throughout this... more
Olaf and Andy are becoming their own unique comedy team. The falling leaf makes its poetic return, and Charlie Brown... more
The photocopier makes it’s exciting first appearance in Peanuts! The guys get deep into the discussion of how different readers... more
44 years into his career and Schulz is still breaking new creative ground as a cartoonist. The gang discusses some... more
Lucy diversifies her revenue streams. Lydia needs some love letters. Woodstock gets violent. Snoopy goes to the hospital. And Jimmy... more
Schulz is revisiting some old scenarios and branching out in new directions. Linus’s snowmen are back, Marcie is desperately attempting... more