edu-Me is bridging the gap between parents and schools. We will discuss everything from how to volunteer to what you need to... more
Often we forget to recognize our teachers, especially in middle and high school. They work long hours grading, planning, and... more
The end of the grading period is upon us. It's only one more but important round of tests, but your... more
And we're back. The holidays are here and the madness will soon begin. This year, though, can be different. In... more
It is inevitable that our children will behave in a way that either needs to be rewarded or corrected. That's... more
Finding good study habits can be difficult for your child. Each child learns differently and in various circumstances. And while... more
Many children are bullied at some point during their school years. Let's face it, even as adults, we face them.... more
School curriculum is designed to reach the maximum number of students in a classroom. However, what about those children who... more
What is the best way to communicate with your child's school? In the last edu-Sode, we discussed various ways to... more
Communication is the best way to ensure that our children are receiving the support they need from their team of... more
Orientation or Open House is just around the corner. It's an exciting yet overwhelming time of the year. What is... more