[MARKED] is a podcast for women who are marked by a hunger for God's Word, a longing to impact culture, and a... more
To help explain how Christmas answers the pressing questions of human hearts, we're taking a closer look at Hebrews chapter... more
At Lifeway Women's Leadership Forum, we gathered questions on the spot from women's ministry leaders who were attending the event... more
A lot of women have a heart for orphan care, but it can be difficult to know how to tangibly... more
A lot of Christmas devotionals use "celebrate" language, and indeed, we should celebrate all that Christmas means! But singer-songwriter Caroline... more
Esther is someone we talk about quite a bit in women's ministry spaces, but Kelly Minter is here to give... more
We were drawn to Tracie Miles' new book, God's Got You, because of the topic of embracing new beginnings with... more
Former MARKED Podcast co-host Mary Margaret West is back on the podcast today! She's written a new teen girls' Bible... more
In a political climate where people are often fighting online and in other venues, many people try to stop the... more
Sisters Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz from Dwell Differently are with us today to share how Scripture memory has transformed... more
Generation by generation, God can accomplish great things through family. In this episode, Ray and Jani Ortlund joined us to... more